The Lost Man Project

Become the man whom men respect and women desire

One-On-One Consulting for Men

The World Is Against You.

Modern “cultural” norms continue to throw in your face that being masculine in any way is weak, corrupt, and evil. 

Because of this, are you experiencing any of these?

You’ve been stuck in the same position for years, working the same dead-end job.

You don’t really have friends or a brotherhood to turn to.

Your wife/partner loves you but doesn’t like you. (Maybe she doesn’t even like you)

You are lazy, weak, undisciplined, out of shape, and unmotivated

You lack direction for your life.

If so, don’t give up…

You can become a desirable, respected, and powerful man.

Hi, I'm Jesse

I know what it’s like to be defeated, poor, and undesired by women, disrespected by men, and feeling helpless and hopeless about ever changing my situation.

Flip to today, I’ve learned the secrets and cracked the code to masculine success – even in our hyper-feminized world. Every week I teach dozens of men just like you to achieve their ultimate life goals.

And not only have I done it for myself and for countless others.. I can do it for you too.

How I Can Help

Tailored to Your Needs

Plans specific to you with accountability

Remote Consulting

Online, anywhere in the world connection

In-Person Consulting

Together we’ll get you building your kingdom sooner than later

Masculinity Consulting Deserves Alpha-Level Perks.

Become Free with Your Time, Thoughts, and Direction

Experience Passionate and Fulfilling Relationships

Earn Respect, Be Desired, and Grow Your Social Status

Meet Your Shortcut to Masculine Success

The Lost Man Project



We’ll speak over Zoom so I can assess your career goals, and you can get all your questions answered.


Plan of Attack

I’ll make a customized plan, and we’ll work together to help you learn the execute on it. You’ll eliminate obstacles and you’ll always know what to do and when.


Build Your Kingdom

You’ll finally start achieving your life goals, allowing you to be desired and respected while spinning your wheels less. 


New Frame Works For Life

Learn to Think and Feel like a Man. Get what you want in life and do so authentically and unapologetically.

Build Confidence

Don't fake it, actually develop a confidence unlike you've ever felt about yourself before.

Biology And Psychology Training

Know what men respect and what attracts women. Climb the hierarchy latter of success in the real world.

Leadership Development

Become the leader your partner looks up to and respects. Command your life.

Behavioral Assessments

Know yourself, your preferences, and your fears. Move forward in life and in the direction that brings you the most fulfillment.

Relationship Consulting

Learn about attachment, differentiation, and behavioral approaches to relationships and make yours the new standard.


Create the traditional backbone and safety net of men you trust for any occasion you or your family come into.

Discover Health Secrets

Learn the facts on getting rid of fat and developing a herculean physique. Your first impression does matter.

Freedom of Time and Thought

Break free from "normal" thinking. It doesn't work anyway and you need what actually works in real life - and it's NOT the norm.

Think Developing Masculinity is an Unnecessary Expense?

Did You Know...

The world is set up against you: 

  • Prison: Men end up in prison 12x more than women. 
  • Crime Rates: Men are more likely to be the victims of violent crimes than women. In fact, the U.S. data show that 78% of all homicide victims are males.
  • Life Expectancy: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), women generally live longer than men. The global average life expectancy at birth for women is several years longer than for men.
  • Workplace Fatalities: Men dominate the statistics for fatal injuries at work. In the U.S., for example, about 92% of workplace deaths in 2019 were men, mainly in construction, transportation, and warehousing industries.
  • Sentencing Disparity: Studies in the U.S. have found that men are often given much longer sentences than women for the same crimes.
  • Custody Battles: Men are less likely to win custody of their children in divorce proceedings. Statistics indicate that women are awarded custody in a significant majority of cases.
  • Rates of Homelessness: Men are more likely to be homeless. In the UK, for instance, about 70% of the homeless population are men.
  • War Conscription: Men are more often subject to compulsory military service in countries where it is still enforced. You don’t have a choice.
  • Paternity Leave: In many countries, there is less support for paternity leave compared to maternity leave. Ever thought of taking time off from work to care for your woman and newborn child?
  • Suicide rates: Men are 4x more likely to take their lives than women.

Why share these statistics? 

To show you that men live harder, shorter, and often less desirable lives. You don’t have time to waste being a nobody and not living your life to the fullest.

Whether you want to float through life hoping you’ll get by, or believing that if you leave others alone they’ll leave you alone, you have an extremely high chance of getting wrecked, ruined, and/or getting taken advantage of. Since this is the case, why not learn the rules and take action to win? You either take action or get acted on.